Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Visitors, visitors, visitors! Ben is so loved!

Since Ben has been born, we have had lots of people come over to meet and hold Mr. Benjamin. Here are pictures of just a few of the visitors who have stopped by:


Cousin/Aunt Heather

Cousin Tony









Aunt Tammy


I know, another first...

Ben has been sleeping in the bassinet in our room downstairs and will continue doing so for several more months. Although repeated nightly feedings up and down the stairs sure would make for a good weight loss plan! Anyway, he only occasionally is making trips to the nursery for now. One day though when we were working upstairs cleaning and getting ready for guests, Ben took his first nap in his crib.

Doesn't he look so little in his bed?

Riley standing guard, taking care of his new human brother.

Monthly Grow Check

OK, so I realize this post is out of order, but that's what happens when I play catch up! We received a very cool gift from some friends at church that helps document how Ben grows and changes each month. The stickers (0-12) go on the front of Ben's onsie each month and we are to take a picture. Here is Ben at month zero, actually two weeks, next to Mr. Monkey, to help us see how Ben is getting bigger.

Mr. Independent...Kind of

The "magic" four week mark has arrived. Now our big boy can start using a binky and eat from a bottle. Dad was VERY excited to be able to feed Ben for the first time. Mom was a little sad. Ben did a great job; no confusion for this little guy!

Costume change from Ben to keep it interesting!

Christmas 2010

We had a big Christmas at the Gilbert household. Obviously it was Ben's first Christmas, and boy oh boy, is he ready to start using his new toys, books, clothes, and Jeep Renegade. Yes, that's what I  meant. The Jeep is a walker he can use later on when he is a bit bigger. Since Ben birthday will not be for 11 months and Christmas for a year, Santa and grandparents thoughts ahead that he will need some items to grow into for the next year.

Can you guess what our favorite gift was this year?

Worn out from lots of present opening. We also found
out that a stocking is like a swaddler. Babies LOVE them

Ben's First Bath!

After a few weeks of washcloth baths, Ben's bellybutton finally healed nice and perfectly and he was ready for his first big bathtub bath! As much as we thought Ben would scream and fuss, we were very pleased to find out that he actually liked being in the water. Ben was relaxed and only cried a bit when we picked him up out of the warm water to dry him off. It was a big event, maybe not for Ben, but for sure for Mommy and Daddy!

Getting Bigger Every Day!!

Spending time with Ben each day, you can really see how much he has changed in just a month. He has already gained just about 3 pounds and has grown an inch or two. Ben is now watching people and things more intently and is slowly getting a stronger neck, holding his head up longer and longer.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Big Arrival

After about 27 hours of labor, Benjamin Thomas Gilbert made his big arrival! 20.5 inches and 7 lb. 7 oz. He came out kicking ad screaming. He was wide eyed and very alert! We were so glad to finally have Ben in our arms!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve at the Gilberts

All is well at the Gilberts!  Getting ready for the first Christmas with Benjamin, and Christmas will probably come about 2 AM and go until about 4:30 AM.  Then we'll return for adult Christmas at 10:00 AM.  Oh the joy of infants!