Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tick Tick Tick....

Time is flying by at the Gilbert house! Ben is already 9 weeks old, and he is changing so much! He can even roll over from his belly to his back. Until I can figure out how to post videos, still pictures will have to do. For many of you who are unable to see him every day, here are some additional photos to keep you up to date!



Grow Check- 2 months

Family Photos

We weren't planning on having photos taken at 2 months, but it just happened to coincide with family visiting from out of town. We couldn't pass up the chance to take pictures together, especially with two small but quickly growing boys!

Papaw and Granny with the boys

Ethan-13 months, Ben 2 months

Visitors from Cali!

Ben was so excited that his Auntie Sarah, Uncle Brian and Cousin Ethan were able to come and spend a whole week with us. During this time Nana and Don-Don, Papaw and Granny were also able to visit! Ethan is 13 months old; it is fun to see how much kids change in just 11 short months!

Ethan's first experience with snow!

Cousins holding hands.

Dad and Ben caught snoozing!

Ethan in his favorite chair.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Go Tops!

Perdue Farms sponsored a Western Kentucky University Hilltoppers basketball game on Saturday. Hmmm.... I wonder which Perdue associate we all know helped to arrange this? This night provided the perfect opportunity to take Ben to his first Hilltoppers basketball game. He was a hit among people there and Ben had a great time.


Friday, January 14, 2011

Just hanging out!

Really just an excuse for some more random but cute pictures

Thanks Uncle Lee for the towel!

The E-wok or sheep look!

Happy Baby!

Ben has started smiling. It's funny the goofy things you will do over and over to get a smile from a baby!


Of course the pictures don't do justice to the real thing!

Caitin and Kya's Visit to Gram's

Caitlin stopped in town to visit with Gram while she was in Kentucky. Ben was able to meet his Aunt Caitlin and cousin Kya. Gram was excited to have both of her great-grandchildren over at the same time. Watch out Gram! They will both be running around before you know it!


One Month Photos




Monday, January 3, 2011

Ben's Friends/Fan Club

Our friends, John and Holly, who we often get together with, have two darling little kiddos: Loriana and John Martin. Loriana and John Martin have decided that Ben is pretty cool and like to hug, hold, and draw pictures for Mr. Benjamin. It is the cutest thing!