Sunday, February 27, 2011

How is it possible to be getting cuter?

Exhausted after a long play session!




Like Mommy, Like Ben

Ben reads books each day and loves to look at the pictures while hearing the different stories. Sometimes he even helps with story time by holding the book. And yes, a book a day for Ben surpasses the number of books Daddy has read, ever. :)


Grow Check- 3 months

As of today, Ben is 14 lb 3 oz and 24 inches long. What a big boy!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Extra photos


Turn in the Weather

We have had a much warmer week with yesterday even in the lower 70's. Taking advantage, Ben went for his first stroller ride and Mommy and Daddy enjoyed the walk after a cold and long winter.


Leg Squats...Eventually

In a moment of fussiness, we tried out Ben's jumperoo. I came to two conclusions.

1. He did not feel better being in the jumper.

2. Ben still has growing to do before he fits properly and therefore won't be using the jumper for a while.

Happy Valentine's Day!

What can I say? Ben is a stud! Just as his shirt says, Ben is Prince Charming. He is two and a half months old and he received his first Valentine in our mailbox. No, it was not secretly made by Mommy, although no one loves a baby like his Momma! Although his Valentine was left unsigned, it just might be from a certain member of the Ben Gilbert Fan Club.
LL Cool B (Ladies Love Cool Ben)