Monday, June 27, 2011

Camping with the Crists

This past weekend, our family met Nana, Don Don, and two of Don's daughters and families at an Indiana State Park for Ben's first camping experience. Ben was happy as always and we were blessed with cool and comfortable temperatures. We had fun catching up with everyone, and even got to celebrate Don Don's 70th birthday.




Grow Check- 7 months


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Month in Recap

This past month has been busy including learning to sit up, going swimming, having visitors, walking in our walker, a new visit with Big Red and the Hilltoppers, a postcard from Grammy, Cinco de Mayo, eating yucky green beans and more. Here are some photos:





"Official" 6 month photos



Grow Check- 6 months

At Ben's 6 month appointment with Dr. John, Ben weighed 19.2 lbs and measured 27.5 inches long. He is getting to be such a big boy!

These pictures should be getting fun!