Friday, December 23, 2011

Ben's Best Friend

Whenever Riley isn't quick enough, Ben likes to sit down in his lap and pet him. Ben tries to do the same with Oscar, but Oscar has yet to stay laying once Ben approaches.Funny to watch! 


  1. Thanks for sharing so many of Ben's-first-moments with us this year. From the day of his birth, each months grow-check pic, getting chomped by Big--Red, the Halloween pics and 1st birthday pics we have enjoed them all. The picture of "Ben & his Band of Grandparents," will be a cherished family photo many years from now. You guys have done a great job of keeping us posted. With all of the activities you are involved in I don't know how you found the time to post as many pictures as you did. But I am thankful that you did find that time as those moments in Ben's life were important to us even if we are 1,200 miles away.

  2. Ben just wants to be close to his buddy! They'll be having conversations soon!
