Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Visit to Denver

The Gilberts just spent a terrific 5 days in the Mile High City. We spent time with Grand-dad, Grammy, Uncle Lee, Aunt Britt, and all our other wonderful family and friends. Ben went on his first plane ride, went into the mountains and even got to ride on a gondola. Our family joined Aunt Mollie, Cousin Madelyn, and new cousin Sawyer at story hour at the library, singing songs and listening to stories.We had a great trip and are grateful to have such special people in Benjamin's and our lives!

This flying thing isnt bad at all!

The prettiest rainbow we have ever seen!

Thanks for the hat Aunt Britt!
The Gilbert boys!

Ben loves his cousin Kya!


Madelyn was so nice to share her toys!

1 comment:

  1. Madelyn looks so serious as she gives the bunny to Ben. She must have been focused on teaching him how to shop properly with your babies. Love the pictures!
