Friday, July 29, 2011

Visiting California and the Groenes

The Gilberts have been racking up the frequent flier points this July. We just arrived back from our trip to California, where we visited Auntie Sarah, Uncle Brian, Cousin Ethan and new Cousin Brandon. During the flight out, Ben even made friends with the stewardesses when he waved at them through the majority of the flight. They invited him in the cockpit for a picture. How neat! Ben and Cousin Ethan had a great time together and we were all so excited to meet new Baby Brandon! He is such a sweetie. Thanks for having us out Sarah and Brian! We hope to see you again soon.
We are frequent Southwest fliers!
Thanks pilots; we had fun!

I don't want help with my bath, Cousin!

Baby Brandon

Cousin Ethan playing mega golf.

We loved the water!

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